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Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 3, 2023



A prayer checklist
(to help us pray better)
1. Do I have a clear regular time and place for my daily (formal) prayer?
2. Am I faithful enough to my daily prayer?
3. Is my interior disposition positive enough when entering into prayer (i.e., Humble, Docile (ngoan ngoãn)? Child-like? Generous? Patient? Open?)
4. Do I take time to prepare my prayer points before actually entering into formal prayer?
5. Do I pace (nhịp đi) myself well and not overload (chất gánh nặng) myself in terms of prayer points of do I take in too much matter?
6. Do I take time to explicitly (dứt khoát) cut-off from my usual activities, slow down (chậm rãi), and not rush (vội vàng) before entering into prayer?
7. Do I take time to be still and behold (chú ý) with reverence the Lord’s loving presence when entering into prayer?
8. Do I take time to beg for “the grace I desire and seek”?
9. Do I often use Scripture to help me contemplate Christ and meditate on his Word? Do I try to be exposed (bày tỏ, diễn tả) to his Gospel values and his radical (triệt để) way of loving?
10. Do I prayer more with my heart and less with my head or do I think and analyze too much?
11. Do I take time to truthfully (chân thành) face myself and bring my significant experiences and top concerns to prayer (like my deepest joys, hopes, desires, not excluding (ngoại trừ) my greats fears, struggle, pains)?
12. Do I take time to truthfully face my God and listen and talk to him from the heart? Do I try to discern his will and his patterns of loving presence and action in my life?
13. Do I take time to count my blessing and thank the Lord?
14. Do I take to ask for the Lord’s forgiveness and seek his gentle (hiền lành), healing mercy?
15. Do I take time to “look in” (nhìn vào) and notice, own (thừa nhận), name and clarify my inner motions (chuyển động) of spiritual consolations and desolations”?
16. Do I take time to “look out” (tìm kiếm) and behold the more significant events and realities in our world today? Do I pray for those who are hurting especially those most in need of God’s loving mercy?
17. Do I take time to examine and understand my spiritual consolations and their patterns and relish (tận hưởng) them and not rush my prayer?
18. Do I take time to examine and understand my spiritual desolations and their patterns and explicitly (dứt khoát) go against them?
19. Am I at home with dryness, not seeking consolation (that “good” feeling) when praying?
20. Do I take time to “review” my prayer, asking questions like: How did my prayer go? What did I find helpful? What do I need to do to improve the quality of my prayer?
21. Do I take time to “repeat” my prayer and go back particularly to those prayer points and experiences where I felt much the Lord’s presence and consolation and dwell (dừng lại, chăm chú) there?
22. Do I take time to simply rest in the Lord and in his love and not think too many thoughts?
23. Do I take time to journal (ghi lại) the experiences and fruits of my prayer?
24. Does my way of praying have a direct effect on my way of loving?